MiViM - Multipolar Infrared Vision


Prof. Xavier Maldague
Chair Holder
| Projects | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage | Personal Webpage |
Prof. Abdelhakim Bendada
| Projects | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage | Personal Webpage |

Postdoctoral Researcher(s)

Dr. Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo
Postdoctoral Researcher
| Projects | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage | Personal Webpage |

Ph. D. Students

Moulay Akhloufi
Ph. D. student
| Projet |
| CVSL Webpage |
Christian Bouvier
Ph. D. student
| CVSL Webpage |
Marc Grenier
Ph. D. student
| CVSL Webpage |
Matthieu Klein
Ph. D. student
| Publications |
| CVSL Webpage | Personal Webpage |
Jean-Marc Piau
Ph. D. student
| Projet | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage |
Louis St-Laurent
Ph. D. student
| Projects | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage |
Mirela Susa
Ph. D. student
| Projet | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage |
Adel Ziadi
Ph. D. student
| Publications |
| CVSL Webpage |

M. Sc. Students

Waël Ben Larbi
M. Sc. student
| Projet |
| CVSL Webpage |
Nabila Bouzida
M. Sc. student
| Projet | Publications |
| CVSL Webpage |
Fan Li
M. Sc. student
| CVSL Webpage |

Updated: February 7, 2008, cic.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | CVSL
2102 | Management