MiViM - Vision Infrarouge Multipolaire

4. Revistas científicas

Quantitative InfraRed Thermography - Qirt J.
The Quantitative Infrared Thermography (QIRT) International Journal is an international forum, which brings together specialists from industry and academia, who share an active interest in the latest developments of instrumentation, theoretical and experimental practices, data reduction and image processing related to infrared thermography.

Para mayor información, consulte aquí.

Research in Nondestructive Evaluation - Res. Nondestruct. Eval.
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation® is the American Society for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation's archival research journal. RNDE® contains the results of original research in all areas of nondestructive evaluation (NDE). The journal covers experimental and theoretical investigations dealing with the scientific and engineering bases of NDE, its measurement and methodology, and a wide range of applications of materials and structures that relate to the entire life cycle, from manufacture to use and retirement. Illustrative topics include advances in the underlying science of acoustic, thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical and ionizing radiation techniques and their applications to NDE problems. These problems include the nondestructive characterization of a wide variety of material properties and their degradation in service, nonintrusive sensors for monitoring manufacturing and materials processes, new techniques and combinations of techniques for detecting and characterizing hidden discontinuities and distributed damage in materials, standardization concepts and quantitative approaches for advanced NDE techniques, and long-term continuous monitoring of structures and assemblies. Volumes 1 to 14 are available at Springer’s website – click here.

Infrared Physics & Technology - Infrared Phys. Technol.
The Journal covers the entire field of infrared physics and technology: theory, experiment, devices and instrumentation. Its core topics can be summarized as the generation, propagation and detection, of infrared radiation; the associated optics, materials and devices; and its use in all fields of science, industry and medicine.

Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation - Nondestruct. Test. Eval.
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation publishes letters, papers and review articles describing the results of research and development in the underlying theory, novel techniques and applications of nondestructive testing and evaluation. Articles concerning both the investigation of physical processes and the development of mechanical processes and techniques are welcomed. Studies of conventional techniques, including radiography, ultrasound, eddy currents, magnetic properties and magnetic particle inspection, thermal imaging and dye penetrant, will be considered in addition to more advanced approaches using, for example, lasers, squid magnetometers, interferometers, synchrotron and neutron beams and Compton scattering. Work on the development of conventional and novel transducers is particularly welcomed. In addition, articles are invited on general aspects of nondestructive testing and evaluation in education, training, validation and links with engineering.

NDT & E International - NDT & E Int.
NDT&E International publishes peer-reviewed results of original research and development in all categories of the fields of nondestructive testing and evaluation including ultrasonics, electromagnetics, radiography, optical and thermal methods. Related topics, such as signal and image processing, are considered only in the context of parallel advances in the underlying NDE technology. The journal publishes original papers on research and development of new inspection techniques and methods, as well as on novel and innovative applications of established methods. Papers on NDE sensors and their applications both for inspection and process control and papers describing novel NDE systems for structural health monitoring and their performance in industrial settings are also considered. Other regular features include international news, new equipment and a calendar of forthcoming worldwide meetings. This journal is listed in Current Contents.

Materials Evaluation - Mat. Eval.
ASNT solicits and encourages the preparation of original papers on NDT research, engineering investigations and applications, and arranges for publication in Materials Evaluation. The journal’s technical papers are refereed by experts in their fields, and the papers are abstracted by major technical abstracting services.

Journal canadien de génie électrique et informatique - JCGEI
Journal canadien de génie électrique et informatique. Le JCGEI (ISSN-0840-8688), publié trimestriellement, publie des articles scientifiques arbitrés d’excellente qualité et de tous les domaines du génie électrique et informatique depuis 1976.

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation - J. Nondestruct. Eval.
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation provides a forum for the broad range of scientific and engineering activities involved in developing a quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) capability. This interdisciplinary journal publishes papers on the development of new equipment, analyses, and approaches to nondestructive measurements.

The NDT Database & Journal - NDT.net
The Web's largest Full-Text Database of Nondestructive Testing provides free of charge conference proceedings, journal articles, news, discussion forums and an online exhibition. NDT.net is a pioneer in the Internet. Since then the e-journal publishes a comprehensive content every month. In addition to the e-journal, NDT.net has published proceedings of international NDT conferences online and on CD since 1998. Today the NDT community can access more than 40 NDT conferences, spanning from WCNDT, ECNDT, APCNDT to PANNDT over all continents and NDT techniques. Moreover, in NDT.net's discussion forums you meet colleagues like being in a lively conference. The place where the NDT community gathers and conducts business is www.ndt.net.

Ressources additionnelles :
.:: Journal Citation Reports - here.
.:: International Standard Serial Number - ISSN.
.:: ISI Journal Title Abbreviations - ici.

Departamento de ingeniería eléctrica y de ingeniería informática | LVSD
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